General Supplies:
Needle Felting Tool; Pen Style Needle Felting Tool; Large Felting Pad; Natural Wool Roving: Off-White, Light
Blue, Teal, Blue, Lime Green, Moss Green, Caramel, Light Yellow,
Black; Sweater or garment to embellish; Scissors; Pins; Chalk
First, create a paper pattern from the template below. Cut out the flower and leaf centers from the pattern. Find the right placement for your embellishment by pinning the paper pattern to the garment and trying on the sweater. Adjust as needed. The design for this cardigan sweater was positioned about 3” down from the top shoulder seam and
about 3” from the collar’s side edge. Use a piece of white chalk to mark the flower and leaf locations and remove the pattern. Place the area of the garment that will be embellished on top of the large felting pad.
To create the leaves, take a
small hank of lime green roving and spread it thinly across the
felting pad, end to end (if it overlaps, that is fine). Spread
another slightly thicker hank of moss green roving the opposite
direction on the pad. Felt these crossed roving pieces to the pad
and then loosely wrap any overlapped roving on all sides and felt
these in place. Turn piece over on the pad and fold it in half.
Felt this together. Turn piece over again and fold in half. Felt
this together. Piece will be thick now; remove from pad. Trace or
copy the leaf patterns onto paper and cut out these shapes. Take the
first leaf pattern and line it up with one edge of the green roving
piece. With scissors, cut around the roving piece just outside of
the pattern. There should be enough of the mottled green roving
piece left over to cut the second leaf pattern as well. Position the
leaves at the bottom of the stem areas and felt in place using the
pen felting tool. After cleaning any loose fibers, go back over the
leaves with the five needle felting tool to securely set the leaves
into the garment. Take a very small length of moss green roving and
felt a vein in each leaf in the same manner as the stems were
Creating each flower involves
blending together two different colors. To do this, use the amounts
and colors listed below to create the gradual effect. Take a very
small amount of the two roving colors and gently pull apart the
fibers and bring them back together with fingers. Keep blending the
two colors this way until the darker tone can barely be
distinguished. These are very small amounts to work with, so there
will be very little roving used to make each flower. Once satisfied
with the color blending, create a ball shape with fingers and then
felt into place. Move through the flower stem, gradually lessening
the darker color until reaching the top flower, which is almost all
white. Flowers should get gradually smaller as their color lightens.
Position flowers on either side of the stem, but not exactly
parallel to one another. Do this shading for the second smaller
flower stem, however eliminate those levels of solid color (see color
shading key below). Finish the flowers by felting a very small ball
of yellow roving in each flower’s center with the pen felting tool.
Go over each flower with larger felting tool to further set in the
flowers. Use the pen felting tool to clean up around the edges by
felting in any loose fibers.
Color Shading Key:
Top flowers: Off-White, very small
amount of Light Blue
2nd level flowers: Light
Blue, very small amount of Teal
3rd level flowers: Teal
4th level flowers: Teal,
very small amount of Blue
5th level flowers: Blue
Bottom level flowers: Blue, very
small amount of Black
Wow! Wasn't that easy and quick? And this wonderful embellishment is securely attached to your garment and will withstand regular laundering. If those fiber "hairs" do peak out, just resecure them with a little more felting.
For more needle felting designs with lots of detailed instructions and photo illustrations, check out my epatterns that may be purchased from the right side column of my blog, in my Etsy shop, or on Patternmart. Enjoy!