I have four new items for your consideration. Here's a peek at two of them.
I'm already in show mode, and will spend the next day or so preparing for my first big one on October 20th. Whew, there's a lot of prep work to putting together an attractive booth! I'm signed up to do three brand new (for me) shows this year, so it should be exciting to meet some new customers (hopefully!) and sell in different venues. Craft shows are starting to become a bit more scarce now, as many are dealing with too many regulations, insurance costs, and attracting quality vendors. This isn't all bad, since there was a time not too long ago when there seemed to be an over abundance of shows, all on the same weekend! Plus, it's becoming more of a challenge as a vendor to recover and profit after paying the show fees, which seem to increase a lot each year. However, it's still an enjoyable experience for me to meet my customers face-to-face, and hear all the wonderful comments, so I'll keep doing these for a while!
Your listings for the celebration are great!! I hope your shows go well for you and you sell tons!
wish I had something done for this ofg celebration. I do wish you lots of luck with it. What shows are you doing this year in my old stomping grounds? I haven't done a show in ages, but I am not surprised to hear of the challenges now with it. I also want you to know that I don't mean to ignore you when you post on my blog, yours is one I cannot respond to when I hit the reply button, I get a reply to blogger address instead of your email. I found out recently that when your email is not enabled in your google account then it does not show up. I do want you to know that I appreciate your comments! I hope you sell a ton of stuff at your shows.